Wip's (for the curious, clockwise from top left): Mrs. Fisher's Slippers, garter wrist warmers laid atop a bong warmer (yes, I did say "bong warmer") and a merino, ribbed fisherman's cap. |
I've been knitting (and crocheting) as a serious hobby for about 4 years and lo and behold, I have accumulated equipment! Not a LOT of equipment (fortunately, you can knit with two chopsticks and some string if need be) but I like to have things handy when I feel the urge. I also live in a house with two teenage girls and a delightful roommate (also a knitter!), and I tend to host a lot of dinner parties.. so while finding space to knit isn't difficult (I can knit happily in a corner or on the bus), finding room for my stash and equipment and books is a bit tougher.
My office (I work a lot of the time online) is in my bedroom, and after some juggling I figured out I could create a craft corner in my room as well. Here it is! (see above)
I also have various bins of stash tucked strategically around the house (I love plastic bins):
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Mostly wool (hiding from moths) including sock yarn and some unspun rovings, plus granny squares to spare! |
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Yummy novelty yarns and various salvaged stash, plus a peek at part of my bookshelf (not knitting books, though). |
See how much salvaged yarn I have? Thrift stores are awesome.
This way, no matter what part of the house I'm in (well, except maybe the bathroom or the kitchen) I have either yarn or needles or wip's in front of me to inspire (or trip over).
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